
Li Jean-Luc Harris
Li Jean-Luc Harris is a dedicated professional with over seven years of experience in health and social care, holding an NVQ Level 4 in Residential Child Care. His journey through the UK care system has been both challenging and transformative, shaping his commitment to empowering others who have faced similar circumstances.
At the age of ten, Li entered foster care, an experience that introduced him to the complexities of instability and emotional upheaval. The transition into foster homes was not without its difficulties; he encountered the challenges of separation from family and the need to adapt to new environments. As he navigated his teenage years, Li faced additional hurdles, including bullying, the complexities of coming out as gay, and mental health struggles that would significantly impact his life.
At fifteen, Li's mental health challenges culminated into a hospitalisation under the Mental Health Act. This period marked a particularly dark chapter in his life, characterised by self-harm and a struggle to understand and navigate the mental health system. However, even amidst these adversities, Li demonstrated remarkable resilience. He found ways to rebuild his life and emerge stronger from these experiences.
Upon leaving care at eighteen, Li confronted the harsh realities that many care leavers face: homelessness and addiction. These challenges could have easily derailed his progress, but instead, they became catalysts for change. Through determination and support, he overcame these obstacles, ultimately achieving stability and becoming a homeowner.
Today, Li is not only a survivor but also a beacon of hope for others. As the founder of Looked After Child Limited, he has created a platform dedicated to sharing stories and knowledge aimed at supporting those in care, care leavers, and the professionals who work with them. His mission is clear: to empower care-experienced individuals by helping them embrace their narratives with confidence.
He has also held positions such as House Manager and served as an ambassador for the Rees Foundation, further demonstrating his commitment to advocating for those who have experienced care.
Li Jean-Luc Harris continues to inspire others through his work and personal story. His dedication to creating positive change within the care system reflects not only his resilience but also his unwavering belief in the power of shared experiences to foster understanding and support among individuals navigating similar paths.
But saving the best (no one in that room today would disagree I don’t think) for last. Li Jean-Luc Harris. Not a dry eye in the house and when the Head of External Affairs @youngmindsuk leaps to his feet to applaud you, you know you re onto a winner. Li, Founder of Looked After Child Limited… Read more “youbeforetwo”
Jane McKenzie
Following on Thursday’s event, I would like to take the time to thank you for your excellent contribution to our conference and all your help in making the meeting so engaging. I thought your presentation was very powerful and you were extremely brave to share your life to date. You made a real impact with… Read more “Jane McKenzie”
Alison S-D
I can highly recommend Li Jean-Luc Harris as a public speaker on lived experience of childhood trauma, #mentalhealth struggles and the care system. He was extremely well received by conference today. Thank you, Li 🙌🏻
Debbie Simmons
Hi Li just wanted to drop you a line to say Well Done again your presentation was amazing.
Jacqueline Mccartney
Emotional, overwhelming but so powerful. Well done on all you have overcome an achieved.
Md Mizanur Rahman
Li is dedicated to the end goal, and never stops pushing forward. Highly professional IT Consultant and Coach.
Charlene April
Li is highly intelligent with a knack for empathy. He takes the time to understand others, and learns all he can about topics that interest him. He has an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a bright attitude. 🙂
Jo Ellins
Had the privilege today of hearing @li_harris’s story of his experiences of growing up in care and children’s mental health services. Was heartbreaking and utterly inspiring in equal measure, and is a story everybody should hear and learn from. Check out
We Love MCR Charity
The keynote address from @li_harris about his lived experience was incredible 👏
David Harris
Li has some of the best experience when working with vulnerable children as he was also one himself. Dedicated to the role he will learn as much as he can and then more just to make sure he can do everything he possibly can for them.
Kathy Bailes
Li is determined, motivated and has worked to build a better life for himself. With this comes empathy for others and an understanding of people and hurdles they may face. He should be proud of his achievements so far and I am sure there are many more to come
Jane McKenzie
I hope you are well and got home safely back to Rochester after the conference. Just wanted to send you an e mail to thank you once again for delivering such a powerful presentation. It cannot be easy, on any level, to share such details but I know the delegates were extremely appreciative and in… Read more “Jane McKenzie”
An incredibly moving and impactful presentation from Li Jean-Luc Harris, founder of Looked After Child– a central place that can offer advice for both Care Workers, but also Children In Care, and care leavers: #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealthMatters