Current Work

  • Aug 2023 - Present

    Charity Ambassador

    Rees Foundation

  • Jan 2023 - Present

    Acting House Coordinator

    Step4ward Services Kent Limited

  • May 2022 - Present

    Director / Public Speaker

    Looked After Child Limited

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Curriculum Vitae


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Li Jean-Luc Harris

Li Jean-Luc Harris is a distinguished figure in the realm of health and social care, a passionate advocate for the care experienced community, and an inspiring public speaker. His journey is a testament to resilience, determination, and the power of education.

Li's life story is one of overcoming adversity and using his experiences to inspire and educate others. His personal narrative serves as a beacon of hope for those who have experienced care, demonstrating that it is possible to rise above challenging circumstances and achieve remarkable success.

Li's professional journey began in the health and social care sector where he dedicated five years of his life. His commitment to providing exceptional care and his innate leadership skills led to his promotion to House Manager in January 2023. In this role, Li has been instrumental in implementing policies that ensure the highest standards of care are met while also fostering an environment that promotes growth and development for both staff and residents.

In addition to his work in health and social care, Li is the founder of Looked After Child Limited. This platform serves as a conduit for sharing life stories from those who have experienced care. It also provides educational resources for care professionals, equipping them with the knowledge they need to provide better support for those under their care. As a blog writer, Li uses his gift with words to shed light on the realities of living in care, breaking down stereotypes, and advocating for change.

He is also a charity ambassador for The Rees Foundation, a non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting children and young people who have had experience with foster care or residential child care services. In this role, Li uses his influence to raise awareness about the challenges faced by this community while also championing initiatives that provide them with the support they need.

As a public speaker, Li has shared his story on numerous platforms nationally His talks are not only inspirational but also educational as he provides insights into the realities of being in care. He also offers courses through Looked After Child Limited aimed at educating both individuals who have experienced care and professionals working in this field.

Li Jean-Luc Harris is more than just a professional in health and social care; he is an advocate, an educator, and an inspiration. His work continues to impact lives across the UK as he strives to create a world where every child has access to quality care and every adult has the tools they need to provide it.



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work together.
